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Creator: Breugelmans, Seger M., Van De Vijver, F.J.R., Van Osch, Yvette
Title Description
LISS panel > Threatening Identities: Interaction and Conflict in the Multicultural Netherlands

In January 2009, the LISS panel was presented a questionnaire about multi-cultural society in the Netherlands. Non-native panel members were presented questions about their own population group, while native Dutch respondents were assigned to groups at random. Depending on the group to which they were assigned, they were presented questions about one of the non-native population groups (Antilleans, Indonesians, Moroccans, Surinamese or Turks).

Creator: Van De Werfhorst, Herman, Burgoon, Brian, Steijn, Sander
Title Description
LISS panel > Perceptions of the determinants of economic success and demand for redistribution of income

This study aims to investigate whether discrepancies in personal attitudes about how the economy should be run, perceptions of what people believe other people’s attitudes to be, and perceptions of how the economy actually functions, can explain individual demand for the redistribution of income.

Creator: Buser, Thomas, Oosterbeek, Hessel, Plug, Eric
Title Description
LISS panel > Left- and right-handedness

This questionnaire examines finger length and the extent to which people are left- or right-handed.

Creator: J.J.A Thomassen (University of Twente), B. Niemöller (University of Amsterdam), J.W. van Deth (University of Twente), C. van der Eijk (University of Amsterdam), G.A. Irwin (University of Leiden), Stichting Kiezersonderzoek Nederland (SKON)
Title Description
Dutch Parliamentary Election Studies > Dutch Parliamentary Election Study 1989

Two wave survey on voters' opinions: before and after the Dutch parliamentary elections of 1989. Systematic analysis of change in political opinions and behaviour of the Dutch electorate. Pre-election wave: reading of newspapers / tv newscast exposure / most important national problems / party identification and membership / evaluation of government policy on economic situation, labour market, personal income situation / political issues ( perception of main parties standpoint, own stand ): abortion, nuclear plants, differences in income / voting in last European Parliament elections / voting in last national election / coalition preference / opinion on cleaning pollution / sympathy rating of parties and leading politicians / party identification of parents / Post-election wave, additional variables: voting behaviour / time of vote decision / voting stability / political issues ( perception of main parties stand, own stand ): euthanasia, NATO nuclear arms on Dutch territory / expectations regarding own income situation, general prosperity and influence of coalition on that / prevalence of reduction of unemployment versus reduction of government debts / knowledge of, opinions on leading politicians / left, right rating of political parties / sense of political efficacy / civic competence, participation / party campaign activities / membership of and participation in extra-parliamentary organizations / influence of religion / pillarization - compartmentalization / confessionalism / secularism / self centredness / importance of national political goals /sympathy rating of politicians Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ housing situation/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ social class/ politics/ religion/ readership, mass media, and 'cultural' exposure/ organizational membership.

> Dutch Parliamentary Election Studies > Dutch Parliamentary Election Study 1989

Two wave survey on voters' opinions: before and after the Dutch parliamentary elections of 1989. Systematic analysis of change in political opinions and behaviour of the Dutch electorate. Pre-election wave: reading of newspapers / tv newscast exposure / most important national problems / party identification and membership / evaluation of government policy on economic situation, labour market, personal income situation / political issues ( perception of main parties standpoint, own stand ): abortion, nuclear plants, differences in income / voting in last European Parliament elections / voting in last national election / coalition preference / opinion on cleaning pollution / sympathy rating of parties and leading politicians / party identification of parents / Post-election wave, additional variables: voting behaviour / time of vote decision / voting stability / political issues ( perception of main parties stand, own stand ): euthanasia, NATO nuclear arms on Dutch territory / expectations regarding own income situation, general prosperity and influence of coalition on that / prevalence of reduction of unemployment versus reduction of government debts / knowledge of, opinions on leading politicians / left, right rating of political parties / sense of political efficacy / civic competence, participation / party campaign activities / membership of and participation in extra-parliamentary organizations / influence of religion / pillarization - compartmentalization / confessionalism / secularism / self centredness / importance of national political goals /sympathy rating of politicians Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ housing situation/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ social class/ politics/ religion/ readership, mass media, and 'cultural' exposure/ organizational membership.

Creator: L. de Vroege, C.M. van der Feltz-Cornelis
Title Description
LISS panel > Prevalence and relevant associations of alexithymia in a Dutch general population sample and in comparison to clinical patients with somatic symptom disorder (SSD)

It is explored whether or not alexithymia occurs more
often in patients with SSD, compared to the general population.

Creator: Raun van Ooijen, c.s. Jochem de Bresser, Marike Knoef, Mart van Megen
Title Description
LISS panel > Healthcare costs

The goal of this questionnaire is to understand the desired spending on long-term care for the elderly (and the content and arrangement thereof).

Creator: M. Kamp (Universiteit Twente), C.W.A.M. Aarts (Universiteit Twente), H. van der Kolk (Universiteit Twente), J.J.A. Thomassen (Universiteit Twente), Stichting Kiezersonderzoek Nederland (SKON)
Title Description
Dutch Parliamentary Election Studies > Dutch Parliamentary Election Study 1998

Two wave survey on voters' opinions: before and after the Dutch parliamentary elections of May 6, 1998. Political interest and communication / most important national problems /
party adherence / party membership / government policy satisfaction /
voting intention Second Chamber 1994 / general attitude towards (not)
voting / perception of poll results / political issues: euthanasia,
asylum seekers, European Union, ethnic minorities, perception of main
parties standpoint, own stand / political knowledge / membership of the
European Union / left-right self-rating / previous voting behaviour /
sympathy scores for political parties and politicians / political
knowledge: recognition of politician portraits, largest party,
composition of coalition / coalition preference before election / social
and political goals / conditions for Dutch nationality, the
multicultural society / composition of household / household income /
background characteristics: respondent: date of birth, marital status /
background characteristics respondent and partner: education,
occupational status, reasons for not working, occupation, number of
employees, number of working hours / former occupation / willingness to
work in regular job / religious denomination, attendance of religious
services / denomination raised in / respondent: political discussions
and party preference of parents when respondent was aged 10-16 / social
class self image / head of household: education, occupation, number of
working hours, number of employees, reason for not working / parents:
education, occupation, number of working hours, number of employees,
reason for not working / interest and activities in campaign / voting
behaviour Second Chamber 1998, coalition preference after elections /
(post-)materialist values / importance of political issues: income
differences, integration of ethnic minorities, nuclear plants, heavy
traffic on highways, environmental pollution, unemployment, euthanasia,
European Union, financial deficit of the state, level social benefits,
securing good provision for old age, misusing social benefits, asylum
seekers, crime, health care / perception importance of various issues
to political parties: unemployment, environment, fighting crime,
refugees, health care / social participation / perception standpoint
political parties: level of social benefits, nuclear plants /
satisfaction with Dutch democracy: fairness of elections, role of
political parties, members of parliament / satisfaction with Dutch
economy / regional representativeness of the parliament / right to vote
for immigrants / best candidate for prime minister / left-right rating
of political parties / external and internal political efficacy /
political cynicism / social isolation / acceptance of political
decisions / vote probability: other party / civic competence and civic
political participation / religion in politics: pillarization /
social-class self image / nationalism, patriotism, importance of
disobedience, self-control, national anthem and flag, attitude to
foreigners / self administered questionnaire: description of three
persons who are most close to respondent (partner excluded): political
discussions with them, their political stand / contacts with other
persons / trust in institutions: churches, army, judges, press, police,
parliament, administration, big companies, European Union, NATO /
media consumption: watching news and entertainment tv programs,
listening to radio channels, reading newspapers, magazines / political
TV commercials / Internet / approached by political party / political
interest, reading (inter)national news / convincing others to vote for

> Dutch Parliamentary Election Studies > Dutch Parliamentary Election Study 1998

Two wave survey on voters' opinions: before and after the Dutch parliamentary elections of May 6, 1998. Political interest and communication / most important national problems /
party adherence / party membership / government policy satisfaction /
voting intention Second Chamber 1994 / general attitude towards (not)
voting / perception of poll results / political issues: euthanasia,
asylum seekers, European Union, ethnic minorities, perception of main
parties standpoint, own stand / political knowledge / membership of the
European Union / left-right self-rating / previous voting behaviour /
sympathy scores for political parties and politicians / political
knowledge: recognition of politician portraits, largest party,
composition of coalition / coalition preference before election / social
and political goals / conditions for Dutch nationality, the
multicultural society / composition of household / household income /
background characteristics: respondent: date of birth, marital status /
background characteristics respondent and partner: education,
occupational status, reasons for not working, occupation, number of
employees, number of working hours / former occupation / willingness to
work in regular job / religious denomination, attendance of religious
services / denomination raised in / respondent: political discussions
and party preference of parents when respondent was aged 10-16 / social
class self image / head of household: education, occupation, number of
working hours, number of employees, reason for not working / parents:
education, occupation, number of working hours, number of employees,
reason for not working / interest and activities in campaign / voting
behaviour Second Chamber 1998, coalition preference after elections /
(post-)materialist values / importance of political issues: income
differences, integration of ethnic minorities, nuclear plants, heavy
traffic on highways, environmental pollution, unemployment, euthanasia,
European Union, financial deficit of the state, level social benefits,
securing good provision for old age, misusing social benefits, asylum
seekers, crime, health care / perception importance of various issues
to political parties: unemployment, environment, fighting crime,
refugees, health care / social participation / perception standpoint
political parties: level of social benefits, nuclear plants /
satisfaction with Dutch democracy: fairness of elections, role of
political parties, members of parliament / satisfaction with Dutch
economy / regional representativeness of the parliament / right to vote
for immigrants / best candidate for prime minister / left-right rating
of political parties / external and internal political efficacy /
political cynicism / social isolation / acceptance of political
decisions / vote probability: other party / civic competence and civic
political participation / religion in politics: pillarization /
social-class self image / nationalism, patriotism, importance of
disobedience, self-control, national anthem and flag, attitude to
foreigners / self administered questionnaire: description of three
persons who are most close to respondent (partner excluded): political
discussions with them, their political stand / contacts with other
persons / trust in institutions: churches, army, judges, press, police,
parliament, administration, big companies, European Union, NATO /
media consumption: watching news and entertainment tv programs,
listening to radio channels, reading newspapers, magazines / political
TV commercials / Internet / approached by political party / political
interest, reading (inter)national news / convincing others to vote for

Creator: C.W.A.M. Aarts (University of Twente Twente), H. Anker (University of Nijmegen), J.J.M. van Holsteyn (University of Leiden), E.V. Oppenhuis (University of Amsterdam), P.C.P.M Pennings (Free University Amsterdam), K. Wittebrood (University of Nijmegen), Stichting Kiezersonderzoek Nederland (SKON)
Title Description
Dutch Parliamentary Election Studies > Dutch Parliamentary Election Study 1994

Two wave survey on voters' opinions: before and after the Dutch parliamentary elections of May 3, 1994. Pre-election wave: reading of newspapers, tv-newscast exposure / most important national problems / party identification and membership / evaluation of government policy on economy, employment and respondents personal finances / perception of main parties' standpoints on various political issues: euthanasia, crime, income differences, nuclear plants, ethnic minorities, R's own viewpoints regarding these matters / voting at last municipal elections /feasibility of multi-party system / sympathy rating of parties and leading politicians / coalition preference / party identification of parents / most essential goals in life / the inflow of asylum-seekers / the meaning of life / the life of Brian / Post-election wave: exposure to election campaigns, participation in it / voting behaviour, time of vote decision, voting stability / image of political parties regarding their ability to solve specific problems: crime, employment, pollution, welfare-fraud, financing deficit, pensioners' incomes / importance ranking of these problems / voting for European parliament / perception of main parties' standpoints on the unification of Europe, R's own standpoints in this matter / who will be the best prime minister / familiarity with politicians / best &amp, worst qualities of leading politicians / left-right rating of political parties / meaning of the concepts of left and right / sense of political efficacy / image of politicians and the political system / civic competence / relation between citizens and politicians / importance of the city council ( gemeenteraad ), provincial states ( provinciale staten ), national and European parliament to R's personal life / importance ranking of various political and personal issues / political participation / who are most entitled to a job / attitude to foreigners / racism / positive discrimination / chance that R will ever vote for other political parties / role of religion in public life, pillarization. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ social class/ politics/ religion/ readership, mass media, and 'cultural' exposure/ organizational membership.
