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Creator: Vera Toepoel (Utrecht University), Bella Struminskaya (Utrecht University)
Title Description
LISS panel > Participate in scientific research > Wave 2

Are people prepared to participate in scientific research that
gathers privacy sensitive information?

Creator: Bellemare, Charles, Sebald, Alexander
Title Description
Partial Identification of Guilt Sensitivity

project is about measuring
the extent to which individuals’ decisions are shaped by their desire to avoid
feeling guilty of letting down other people. Important complications may arise when trying to
detect guilt aversion using stated beliefs. The data of the conducted
experiment can be used to estimate the identification region of the sensitivity
to guilt parameter without information on players’ beliefs.

Partial Identification of Guilt Sensitivity > Part 1 - 2010

In Januari
2010, a questionnaire regarding an experiment about the allocation of money was
administered to the LISS panel. Persons B were asked to send a message to
another person A with whom they would matched and then to decide what
allocation of money they would choose.

Partial Identification of Guilt Sensitivity > Part 2 - 2010

In February 2010, the second part of the experiment was administered. In this second part, persons A
received and read the message that was sent to them by the person B they were
matched to. Then, also persons A could decide about the allocation of
money. Some of the
participants indeed received the payoffs based on the actual decisions that
were made.

Creator: Bender, Michael, Chasiotis, A., Van De Vijver, F.J.R.
Title Description
Immigrant panel > Operant Motive Test

In September and October 2010, a questionnaire was administered to the Immigrant panel in which respondents were asked to answer three questions about six pictures (from 12 pictures in total). In September, it was randomly determined whether the respondent received picture 1 - 6 or picture 7 – 12. In October the respondent received the other six pictures. If a panelmember did not participate in September the order of the pictures was randomly determined in October (1 - 6 or 7 - 12).

Immigrant panel > The function of autobiographical memory

The study is about how
and in purpose of what people look back on certain events in their lives.

Creator: Robert Dur (Erasmus University Rotterdam), Benedetta Ricci (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Title Description
LISS panel > Policy experimentation aversion

The study investigates how people really think about policy experimentation.

Creator: Berghuijs, Joantine
Title Description
LISS panel > Unaffiliated spirituality and social engagement

The main objectives of this survey are:
1. to
investigate the conceptions and associations of ‘spirituality’ amongst the
Dutch population,
2. to
find out if there are types or aspects of unaffiliated spirituality that are related
to different degrees of social engagement 3. and
to test findings from qualitative research about unaffiliated spirituality (and
social engagement) in a quantitative way.

Creator: Mulder, Clara H., Musterd, Sako, Bertolini, Luca
Title Description
LISS panel > Mobility in social networks

The project focuses on the recursive relations between travel, residential relocations, activity patterns in social networks and choice of mode of transport.

LISS panel > Mobility in social networks > Wave 1

This is the first wave of Mobility in social networks, a questionnaire on the amount of contact with family
members, friends and acquaintances, about commuting, and about leisure time
activities. Additionally, questions were asked about parking policies in the
vicinity of their own home and other people’s home, and the effect this has on
the frequency of visits.
