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Publisher: CentERdata

In January 2009, the LISS panel was presented a questionnaire about the ministers currently serving in the fourth cabinet Balkenende. Panel members were assigned to one of three groups on the basis of a random variable. One group was presented a photograph of the minister concerned when asked to...

Publisher: CentERdata

This is the first measure of the study 'Decreasing trust in democratic governments', conducted in January 2009.

Publisher: CentERdata

This study aspires to reach a better understanding of support for vigilantism, which is commonly seen as an indicator of a lack of confidence in the criminal justice system. 'Just world' theory and identification processes are used to predict and explain support for vigilantism.The research...

Publisher: CentERdata

This study concerns the first measuring moment with the questionnaire about support for vigilantism. Panel members were assigned at random to one of 12 groups. This group assignment determined which combination of fictitious news items was presented to the panel member. Ten groups were presented...

Publisher: CentERdata

In October 2009, the LISS panel completed a questionnaire on general support for vigilantism, belief in a just world, and confidence in the justice system. This concerns the second measuring moment of the study 'Explaining Public Support for Vigilantism'. Panel members were assigned at random to...

Publisher: CentERdata

The Tilburg Consumer Outlook Monitor (TILCOM) is a longitudinal monitor of consumer emotions and behavior. TILCOM systematically tracks economic expectations, emotional responses to economic developments, and consumption coping in response to economic developments. TILCOM furthermore relates...

Publisher: CentERdata

This is the first TILCOM measurement, conducted in September 2009.

Publisher: CentERdata

The study focuses on the
opinion of people about alcohol and drugs use, and the alcohol and drugs use of
the respondent personally.

Publisher: CentERdata

This concerns the third measurement of the study, fielded in January 2009. Alike to the first and second measurement, this measurement also concerned twelve statements, but these were different to the ones presented in 2008. The statements were identical for all respondents, but the response...

Publisher: CentERdata

The main objectives of this survey are:
1. to
investigate the conceptions and associations of ‘spirituality’ amongst the
Dutch population,
2. to
find out if there are types or aspects of unaffiliated spirituality that are related
to different degrees of social...

Publisher: CentERdata

This is the third wave of the LISS Core Study module called 'Politics and Values'.

Publisher: CentERdata

The study focuses on health
behaviour and disease probabilities.

Publisher: CentERdata

In September 2008, a questionnaire on preventive
care and the value of risk reduction was administered to the LISS panel. Panel
members were asked about their participation in preventive care programs
available in the Netherlands
(flu shots, cervical cancer tests,...

Publisher: CentERdata

In Januari 2009, a question was asked in the LISS panel about the flu shot. This followed the questionnaire which had been administered in the panel in September 2008.

Publisher: CentERdata

In April 2009 a question about the flu was asked in the LISS panel. This question followed the questionnaire on Disease prevention, which was administered in September 2008.

Publisher: CentERdata

In this study respondents were asked to judge the ministers who serve in the fourth cabinet Balkenende on how reliable, sympathetic, competent and honest they think they are. In January 2009, the LISS panel was presented a questionnaire about the ministers currently serving in the fourth cabinet...

Publisher: Centerdata

The survey focuses on time use and consumption expenditures.

Publisher: CentERdata

This is the first wave of the Study Time Use and Consumption.

Publisher: CentERdata

This survey focuses on
personal aspects of consent and well-being.
The survey was administered in the LISS panel in December 2007 and repeated in March, June and
September 2008.

Publisher: CentERdata

This is the first wave of the survey Mental Health.
